965 88 55 98 - Plaza Constitución, 1, 03517 Beniardá alcaldia@beniarda.es


Gleaning by the Moorish stubble

Beniardá is a place that is offered on foot to the curiosity of the people. From the road you can count the houses, one by one. And from the neighbor Benimantell you can even follow the movement of people. It is poured into the valley as it is, showing all its secrets, if any. A short aqueduct crosses the road formed as a gateway to the town, the first house of which is their school group.

Good sign! The teaching is given from the beginning. The traveler trusts that all the inhabitants will arrive at the end of childhood knowing, if not more, the first letters that allow them to advance independently …

Beniardá, like the rest of the cores of the Guadalest valley, lets its Moorish roots spring up. The unique layout of its small streets, the choice of place, the habits of its people and more than one dress make us think of that past civilization – because civilized were and I think a little more than those who expelled them – that marked such a footprint deep in our land, where they left a very simple trace to follow. Still work the fields – not all – with the methods created by the ancestors of a good number of comarcanos. And they still eat simple dishes of the Moorish cuisine that was not bad, no …

To my brothers and sisters of Beniardá

It’s been almost a year since I’m not with you and, nevertheless, I come back to look at your houses through this “Llibret” as I did over the last five years.

When I did it before, I always tried to encourage you to continue growing humanly and Christianly, to continue working to make people, to keep fighting so that the party would always be more …

This year, although it is true that I would say the same thing, I also want to tell you about what I now feel inside of me towards you with the greatest respect and the greatest humility.

The town on the thirties

The traditional customs, the way to celebrate the holidays, the popular and collective amusements, I dream a very important aspect of the life of a people, of a country. It is important, from time to time, to make a small reminder of what our culture is, a part of which, which we refer to in this paper, has been transmitted orally, from generation to generation, and which today is in a precarious situation.

The work of bread

The new technologies have made us leave in the background many things that are gradually falling into oblivion, such as the classic photographs, those made with reels that later had to be revealed. The current cameras are comfortable, practical, allow many pictures …

The band of music of Beniardá



… Creo que era muy instructivo tener una Banda de Música en la localidad, que con frecuencia amenizaba las fiestas locales y muchas funciones religiosas acompañando en ellas al magnífico Coro Parroquial de Beniardá con lo que estas funciones resultaban bonitas y atraían a bastantes feligreses…