965 88 55 98 - Plaza Constitución, 1, 03517 Beniardá alcaldia@beniarda.es

Local pool

MONDAY TO FRIDAY 11:30 – 14:00 h 16:00 – 19:00 h
SATURDAY AND SUNDAYS 11:00 –  19:30 h
Adults Children
Daily pass 2 € 1,5 €
Pass for 15 days 26 € 20 €
Pass for 30 days 48 € 36 €


Theater Performance – Sponsored by the Diputacion Provincial of Alicante

One more year and thanks to the Hon. Provincial Council of Alicante, next Tuesday of Fiestas August 3, we will be able to enjoy the play “Vivo espera el amor (by Lina Morgan)” of Compañía Siete Comediantes. The work will take place outdoors, in the Plaza de la Constitución at 11pm. Access is free and free. We wait for you!!!





One more year is celebrated in Beniardà  the FAIR OF HANDICRAFTS AND TYPICAL PRODUCTS, sponsored by the Excma. Diputacion Provincial  of Alicante. This year we celebrate the eleventh edition of the Fair, a unique event to make known to all visitors the traditions and products of the area through the different stalls that participate in it, both food and crafts.

You are all invited to participate and enjoy the atmosphere created for the occasion, the positions, the different programmed activities …, in short to spend a different day in family and good company!


Corn balls

Corn balls


– Corn balls are meatballs and cornmeal that are served with a stew of beans and garlic.

– It is a very consistent meal that invites you to enjoy a walk in the surroundings after eating.




  • Water.
  • Salt.
  • Oil.
  • Flour.
  • Mullador.

– Water Boil salt. the flour with the water is frigid and kneaded with a little oil. Let stand half an hour. balls for mintxos are flattened and form a circle. They passed through the plate and fill with any mullador (onion and tomato, river prawn and tomato, anchovies, sausage …).

Rabbit with garlic

Rabbit with garlic

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • Un conejo cortado en trozos (1.5 Kg).
  • 8 garlic cloves.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Pepper and parsley.
  • Oil and salt.

  1. – In this step, we want to get the oil to taste the garlic. For this, in a frying pan we will put a cup of olive oil and 8 cloves of garlic. We’ll leave it for about 30 minutes on a low heat.

    – Garlic cloves should not be burnt, if we observe that they are toasted excessively, we will lower the fire a little more.

    – Finally, remove the cloves of garlic, and reserve the oil.

    – We also reserved 2 cloves of garlic that we will use for the vinaigrette in the next step.

  2. – We prepare a lemon vinaigrette, which we will use as a sauce for the rabbit and potatoes.

    – We will use 8 tablespoons of olive oil, the juice of half a lemon, and the 2 cloves of garlic that we had reserved from the previous step.

    – Crush the 2 cloves of garlic well with a mortar, until left as a puree. Then, add the oil slowly, while stirring, with the help of hand rods. Finally add the lemon, a teaspoon of chopped parsley and beat until well let it.

    – Note: the vinaigrette oil is not the one we prepared in the previous step, we must use a good virgin olive oil.

  3. – To fry the pieces of rabbit, we will use the oil with flavor of garlic that we have prepared at the beginning.

    – Put the oil to heat over medium-high heat. As soon as it is hot, add the rabbit, previously salted, and fry until golden and crisp (about 3 minutes on each side).

  4. – We chopped a very fine clove of garlic.

    – We put 4 or 5 tablespoons of the oil with garlic flavor in a clay pot (we could also use a frying pan), we add the minced garlic and we gently bake it, we incorporate the rabbit and we leave it 3 minutes more.

    – We serve it with some fries and we add the lemon vinaigrette above.